Bella photo Comox Valley family photography

Bella photo Comox Valley family photography
Comox Valley Family photography

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Fear and self loathing in Black creek- Comox Valley Newborn Photograher- Bellaphoto

Getting real time.

I needed to write this blog post for me.
Since moving to my new AMAZING new house in my AMAZING new town...
I haven't felt that AMAZING about my business.

It's such as weird change going from a town you have lived in your whole life, knowing everyone, having a full client list... to a town where you know no one.

This is where pity party sets in.

There are so many kick ass photographers here.. like so many.
Karen MckinnonBluetree PhotographhyCharlene HarrisLove Story Photographic New Leaf Photography Just to name a few! (these lovely ladies have also been so incredibly amazing and welcoming to me. There is a total vibe of community over competition.
Why would anyone book me, when there are all these talented people already here?

I keep getting people asking "are you so busy with work??!" and my response is always the same "oh I haven't even painted my studio yet"....

Instead I... went for coffee, chopped wood, baked muffins, played with the puppy..
Anything instead of painting the studio.

And why is that?
Fear of failure.
If my studio isn't done, I can't shoot clients, therefore it doesn't matter if no one knows me, or likes me, because hey, I can't take clients anyway.

I could feel this fear rising. I could feel it starting to take over.
I could either succumb to the dread.

or so something about it.

I bought paint.
and it sat there....

Then I decided to start on a wall..
The more I painted the more empowered I felt.
It's amazing the roadblocks your mind puts up, and how they will just fall away when you start working on it.

I have a newborn booked! Due Feb.22.

I came here to drink coffee and kick ass.. and I am all out of coffee.


Monday, 2 January 2017

Comox Valley Photographer - project 52- Bellaphoto

I have a bunch of goals for 2017. 
Eat more veggies, learn how to curl my hair with a flat iron (how can a 13 year old on youtube do it with ease but i end up looking like Einstein??) 
AND photograph my family. Document our life.

you would think the children of a photographer must have millions of awesome photos...
but as the cobbler's kids have no shoes... I tend to forget about my little people when I have clients to capture.

So i am going to attempt a project 52.
there is no way in hell i am trying a 365, I will probably forget around day 6, and then like.. what is even the point. But i feeeeel like i can do once a week.

So in case you aren't up to speed, we sold out townhouse in the city (ish) and moved to the sticks.
Total rural paradise.

and currently that paradise is covered in 6 inches of ice.

I reeeealy wanted to take some pics of the kiddies in the snow, so i begged.
Please, just 5 minutes and you can eat that giant ass Kinder surprise egg on the counter.

I think they gave me like... 1.8 minutes. 

saratoga beach photographer

comox valley photographer

oyster bay

ooh look how cute they are... then someone stepped on someone's toe.. and the other punched the stepper..

And then they both just fricken RAN inside.
1.8 minutes.

So next I tried to get the big one to come in to my new studio space.
I wanted to test the light.

this is how that went.

but hot damn look at that light!!!
I can't wait for family photo sessions on this little window seat!

So last..
this guy.

He was not impressed either.
but at least he got his treat :)
