I had SUCH a cool weekend!
For the past 2 years I have been part of an amazing online photography group, the ladies (mostly ladies) are SO cool, helpful, supportive, funny, all around awesome.
I actually tend to talk to many of these girls more than I talk to my IRL friends.
A few months ago I was chatting with
Lindsey Williams about how close we are, her living in Portland Oregon, and Me living in Ladner BC.
We joked around how we should get together and do a few sessions... and that is EXACTLY what we did!!
3 babies, and SO MUCH POOP later, we were able to capture some gorg. shots in my Tsawwassen studio.
Not only did we totally photo nerd out. we also did a ton of knitting and watching terrible Kristen Stewart movies :)
All in all an awesome weekend.
More of Lindsey's blog can be found here :
click here
Next meet up... Ashland Ohio!! :)